Hi! I'm Peter.

I’m a software engineer specializing in building frontends in React and TypeScript.

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Here are some of the places I've worked at!

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Founding Engineer

TypeScriptReactReact NativeFirebaseNode.jsRedux
Developed a mobile app from the ground up using React Native
Founded an initiative to convert to TypeScript by refactoring the design system with comprehensive type definitions
Managed and mentored a team of interns through constant support and guidance
Interviewed for technical positions and provided guidance on selecting new hires
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Software Engineer Intern

ReactReflux.jsJestRuby on RailsRSpecSQL
Fully owned a feature for the Scaling Payroll Efficiently initiative across the stack
Saved $0.03 per customer per month, scaling up to over 100,000 customers
Communicated with design and engineers across other teams to ensure quality and best practices
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Software Engineer Intern

React NativeReduxNode.jsExpress.jsSQLAWS
Collaborated with a 3-intern team for a greenfield project in the R&D department
Completely architected and implemented the backend system with live data streaming
Presented solution to senior executives with the potential to scale to 68,000 stores
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Look at some of the projects I've worked on!

Travel Scares Me

A web app to view risks, including COVID and national security concerns, of travelling.

Travel Scares Me project preview

Maze Runner

A script that simulates a vehicle running a maze with LiDAR and camera sensors.

Maze Runner project preview

UTCS Event Scheduler

A script that adds events to a Google Calendar scraped from the UTCS events calendar.

UTCS Event Scheduler project preview
PythonGoogle Calendar APIBeautifulSoupRequests

Feel free to reach out!

Whether you're hiring, working on a project, or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email.

If you're looking to hire, here's my resume!

Designed and Coded by Peter Cardenas




